Open Policy Network featured in Shareable - Creative Commons

alespierno's bookmarks 2017-11-03


"Cat Johnson at Shareable wrote an excellent interview with CC’s Timothy Vollmer on the Open Policy Network, and the importance of open policy in general." It seems logical that publicly-funded resources would be made available to the public, but I know this is not always the case. What stands in the way of these resource being made available and how does the OPN plan to address this?


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » alespierno's bookmarks


oa.mandates oa.open_policy_network oa.journals oa.funders oa.interviews oa.policies oa.people oa.creative_commons

Date tagged:

11/03/2017, 12:00

Date published:

11/03/2017, 08:00