Metadati e diritto d’autore: un territorio inesplorato - Academic Publishing Services
alespierno's bookmarks 2017-11-26
[Google translation] Metadata and copyright: an unexplored territory
How well do those who, at least once, have organized a treasure hunt, is not so much the choice of the place where they hide it from making the difference, but rather the preparation of the "ticket" containing the data that will allow that treasure to be being found by the players. A similar problem is what the authors of works are - at least they should - at the time they decide to divulge them through telematic networks. The treasure, in this case, is the work (eg a computer document containing a scientific or literary article); and then, the cards to hide inside tree bark or under the stones, what do they become? Metadata.This is, referring to the legal definition of art. 71 of D.Lgs. 82/2005, "a set of data associated with a computer document, [...] to identify and describe its context, content and structure as well as to enable it to be managed over time in the system of conservation".
Metadata therefore plays an essential role when data is exposed to third parties and, in particular, is the key to facilitating research, discovery, access and, where appropriate, reuse. It is thanks to the metadata and to the information contained therein that a work can become the treasure for the author: he thought it was already so, but being found by other recipients and users / navigators will do the job.