Orientaciones para diseñar Materiales didáctico multimedia
alespierno's bookmarks 2017-11-27
[Google translation] Orientations to design Multimedia teaching materials
The current educational systems have the need to resort to technological means to improve the teaching - learning process. One of these means is the multimedia teaching materials. But are they really effective, to achieve the objective for which they were designed? Are they only media that transmit content? What is the effectiveness? We can affirm that for the design of multimedia materials, not only should we think about meeting the short-term objectives, but also if the results that will be achieved in the long term will have some effect on the integral formation of the person. Having these objectives clear, it is necessary that all didactic material comply with standards that guarantee effectiveness. Therefore, the teacher must know these standards and know how to use them. In this way, all multimedia educational materials should not be based on rote learning but should promote the construction of knowledge and research, thus fulfilling the functions of providing information, awakening interests, maintaining a continuous activity and interaction with the materials, guiding the learning, to promote it from mistakes, since it must offer them the possibility of improving little by little; and finally, it should facilitate the evaluation and control of learning both individually and as a team.