IU impulsa que se debata en breve en el Congreso su iniciativa para “paralizar y modificar en profundidad los nuevos criterios” de acceso y promoción del profesorado universitario que se aplican desde el viernes
alespierno's bookmarks 2017-11-27
[Google translation] IU [Izquierda Unida ] urges that its initiative to "paralyze and modify in depth the new criteria" of access and promotion of university faculty that apply from Friday be discussed shortly in Congress.
The parliamentary spokesman of IU, Alberto Garzón, together with the deputies Bustamante and Mena, denounce in their proposal not of law that the system and the new criteria imposed by the ANECA [Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación] with the support of the PP government suppose "to truncate the academic career of good part of the current teaching staff and young researchers in terms of their possibilities of promotion or access and progress in the University "