Conoscere copyright e privacy per una maggiore consapevolezza nella didattica. Seminario a Roma

alespierno's bookmarks 2017-12-05


[from Google translate] Know copyrights and privacy for greater awareness in teaching. Seminar in Rome

Those who carry out teaching activities increasingly take an active role in the creation and dissemination of educational resources and therefore must increasingly compete with issues related to the protection and management of copyright. In this seminar the lawyer Aliprandi will introduce us to the subject illustrating the rights that come into play and how they come into play in the teaching activity. The focus will then be on the strategic theme of open educational resources, with a theoretical and practical presentation of Creative Commons licenses. And finally we will mention the main issues regarding the management of image rights and privacy protection in the school environment.



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Tags: oa.italy oa.italian oa.oer oa.copyright oa.privacy oa.students oa.creative_commons

Date tagged:

12/05/2017, 05:36

Date published:

12/05/2017, 00:36