Mesa redonda: Reutilización de datos abiertos: retos y oportunidades

alespierno's bookmarks 2017-12-06


[From Google translate] Roundtable: Reuse of open data: challenges and opportunities

This roundtable aims to share the experiences and points of view of the different actors that drive the reuse of information, the challenges and opportunities that they live and perceive. The data and information are the raw material of the set of companies identified as re-using the information. These companies make up one of the industries with the greatest potential for growth in the economy and the information and knowledge society, and generating employment. National legislation and European regulations regulate these practices, to preserve different aspects among which data protection, the right to privacy, and copyright stand out. In addition, the reuse of data and information requires systematic management to ensure the reliability, authenticity and timeliness of the data, in short: the quality of the data.



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » alespierno's bookmarks

Tags: oa.spain oa.spanish oa.reproducibility oa.legislation oa.fair_use oa.europe oa.licensing oa.reuse oa.government oa.psi oa.libre

Date tagged:

12/06/2017, 05:00

Date published:

12/06/2017, 00:00