Tecnología de video: un modelo de calidad, colaboración y acceso abierto basado en MOOC

alespierno's bookmarks 2017-12-22




Video technology: an open access model based on quality and collaboration

ICT caused a revolution in educational models, directly influencing teaching practices. However, digital media lack virtual spaces that guide and help professionals. The development of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Learning Objects (LO) has been increasing. The objective of this research is to present a model of sharing and collaboration that fosters access and guides professionals to the use of multimedia resources as an educational offering. The methodology consists of an exploratory investigation followed by applied research based on the development of a platform where MOOCs were offered. The study was carried out at a Higher Education Institute at the University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. As a result of this research, the Open Access Platform called RECIF was created, observing the collaboration and sharing of ideas among education professionals, thus making possible the verification of the proposed model. It was concluded that the proposed model can be applied in any educational practice that includes videos as a didactic resource; encourages learning that stimulates creativity and dynamism; and fosters the creation of motivational, interactive, collaborative and innovative virtual spaces. 



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Date tagged:

12/22/2017, 02:14

Date published:

12/21/2017, 21:14