Reutilización de vocabularios: Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) |
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-01-16
[From Google Translate] Reuse of Vocabularies: Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)
One of the main barriers to the deployment of linked data (Linked Data) is the difficulty that data editors have to determine which vocabularies to use to describe their semantics. These vocabularies provide the "semantic glue" that allows simple data to become "meaningful data". Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) is a catalog of vocabularies available for reuse with the aim of describing data on the Web. LOV collects metadata and makes visible indicators such as the connection between different vocabularies, version history, maintenance policies, together with past and current references (both to individuals and organizations). The name of this initiative (Linked Open Vocabularies - LOV) has its root in the term Linked Open Data - LOD.