DIGITUM: El Acceso Abierto en el Top 100 de Altmetric

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-01-22


[From Google translate] Open Access in the Top 100 of Altmetric

Altmetric tracks a variety of sources (number of mentions in social networks, online citations, media appearances, Wikipedia citations, allusions in scientific forums, ...) to capture and collate online activity about academic research. In the last year, Altmetric has tracked more than 18.5 million mentions of 2.2 million different research products. Among all of them, he has selected the 100 most debated magazine articles of 2017, classified in order of his Altmetric Attention Score on November 15, 2017. Of the 100 articles that have had the most impact in 2017, 31 are in Open Access, of the first 10, 4 are Open Access.



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » alespierno's bookmarks


oa.new oa.spanish oa.green oa.gold oa.universities oa.repositories oa.hei oa.journals oa.metrics oa.altmetric

Date tagged:

01/22/2018, 16:57

Date published:

01/22/2018, 11:57