Proyecto EDIA. Experiencias. REA “Nuestro juego de mesa” en IES Barandiaran | Cedec
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-02-17
[From Google Translate] EDIA project. Experiences. OER "Our board game" at IES Barandiaran
To finish this evaluation in the subject of Spanish Language and Literature, my students of 4th ESO (4th B, D and E) of the IES Barandiaran and I set out to the challenge of designing a collaborative way a board game that rotates in around spelling.
This project is an adaptation of the REA (Open Educational Resources) "Our board game", which Marian Calvo (@Hautatzen) and I developed for the CeDeC and which is part of the resources of the EDIA Project for Language and Literature: "We do things with words".