Open access nel programma di “Liberi e uguali”: alcune osservazioni | AISA

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-02-20


[From Google Translate]

Open access in the "Liberi e uguali" [Italian political party] program: some observations

The deepening of the program of "Liberi e uguali" devotes a line to open access, this one:Implement the Open Access, i. e. free online access to all results of publicly funded research.The text is what has been incorporated in a longer document, written by the Bergamo Committee of "Possible", which can be read here. Aisa [The Italian Association for the Promotion of Open Science] having proposed an amendment to the Copyright Law in favour of open access to scientific literature, and appreciating that the subject has entered the programme of at least one party competing in the elections of 4 March 2018, makes its comment public, making it available to those who wish to take advantage of it.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » alespierno's bookmarks

Tags: oa.italy oa.italian oa.government oa.legislation oa.open_science oa.europe oa.patents oa.societies oa.recommendations oa.benefits oa.publishing oa.definitions oa.copyright oa.comment oa.mining oa.universities oa.repositories oa.hei

Date tagged:

02/20/2018, 16:03

Date published:

02/20/2018, 11:03