Progetto ODa - Educazione Aperta | Open Education Italia

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-03-01


[from Google translate] ODa project

Open Data is an umbrella term generally associated with digital, interoperable, interoperable data matrices, issued with open licenses and therefore potentially reusable by organisations or individual users, for different purposes of research, development and innovation. In particular, Open Data are often generated by the Public Administration, which has to manage and prepare an innumerable amount of data starting from the services it provides; and from scientific research, whose main activity is the generation and analysis of data from which it elaborates theoretical-conceptual or empirical-material products. According to this definition, and since Open Data is already used in the public and private sector, it is possible to think that they can be used in education and training. Being open, they have all the features necessary to be considered "Open Educational Resources", i. e. digital resources with an open licence that can be used for training purposes in more areas and at more than one level.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » alespierno's bookmarks

Tags: oa.italian oa.italy oa.oer oa.government oa.open_science oa.funding oa.citizen_science oa.licensing oa.libre

Date tagged:

03/01/2018, 15:45

Date published:

03/01/2018, 10:45