Strumenti per l’editoria digitale accademica a confronto | OpenEdition Italia
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-03-09
[From Google translate] Tools for digital academic publishing in comparison
On the occasion of the Milan fair Tempo di Libri (8-12 March - fieramilanocity), OpenEdition Italia will organize an event dedicated to the various tools for the digital publication of scientific journals. The meeting Scientific online magazines: choices and solutions will be held on March 8 at 15 at the Digital Cafe and will be attended by Nicola Cavalli (Ledizioni), Piero Grandesso (AlmaDL, University of Bologna), Alessandro Pierno (Florence University Press) and Giovanni Salucci (Progettinrete), coordinated by Lorenzo Armando of Lexis Compagnia Editoriale in Turin, an OpenEdition partner for Italy.
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