Open science: davvero la scienza "non è democratica"?

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-06-20


[Google translate] Open science: is science really "not democratic"?

Does vaccination against measles cause autism? This question has provoked a heated debate, which has seen the supporters of the "official" science, on the one hand, and the "alternative" science, on the other, lined up. For some, publishing in scientific journals published by leading international publishers, which select articles on the basis of a selection made by anonymous experts is a mark of validity. For others, the whole system, from magazines owned by major but commercial publishers to profit-driven pharmaceutical industries, is vitiated by conflicts of interest. How can one find one's way here, who wants to know, without being a professional researcher? A recent article by mathematician Timothy Gowers will help us respond with the tools of open science - tools that do not serve to take sides but to participate in the discussion as people who think for themselves and not as clients of magicians.


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Tags: oa.italy oa.italian oa.open_science oa.publishing oa.quality oa.credibility oa.benefits oa.debates oa.pharma oa.medicine

Date tagged:

06/20/2018, 13:00

Date published:

06/20/2018, 09:00