Open Science, Publicity, Democracy | IV convegno annuale | AISA
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-07-30
[Google transl.] Fourth annual conference: Open Science, Publicity, Democracy
The fourth annual conference of AISA [Italian Association for the promotion of open science] will take place at the University of Cagliari on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 November 2018.
The preliminary programme includes speeches by four invited speakers and a round table on "Access costs and dissemination of scientific knowledge", in which the results of a survey carried out in Italian universities will be discussed.
Two further actions will be selected by the Governing Council on the basis of external proposals, to be received by 15 September 2018, as set out in the Contribution Call document.
The morning of the 10th will also be awarded the two best degree and doctoral theses on open science, on the basis of applications that must reach the Governing Council by 15 September 2018, using the procedure indicated in the competition notice.