LIBER Open Science Roadmap | Bibliosan 2.0
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-07-30
[Google transl.] At its annual meeting in Lille, LIBER, the European association of research libraries, launched a Roadmap to Open Science, in which libraries are the key players to ensure that Open Science is fully implemented.
This Roadmap outlines the specific actions libraries can take to support Open Science, both within and outside their institutions, providing concrete examples of how all libraries can actively contribute to its development, for example by raising awareness, educating, developing support policies for their researchers and extending the impact of their work through collaboration and partnerships.
LIBER recognizes that the amount of work that needs to be done varies greatly across disciplines, countries and institutions: in some countries Open Science is already recognized by the government and awareness is high, in others, the concept of Open Science is still at a preliminary stage.
The Roadmap lists the seven priority areas that libraries need to work on to support Open Science:
- Scholarly Publishing
- FAIR date
- Research Infrastructure & the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)
- Metrics & Rewards
- Open Science Skills
- Research Integrity
- Citizen Science
Each of these sections is, in turn, made up of two subsections: Opportunities & Challenges & Recommendations.
At the end of the Roadmap, LIBER also gathered the experiences of some European libraries that are already actively promoting Open Science.