Formulario de evaluación de repositorios | Universidad de Salamanca
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-07-31
Repositorios evaluación form
This is a model questionnaire for the evaluation of a repository.
[Google transl.] Presence in national and international directories. Presence in national and international collectors.
- 1.4.- Existence of a standardized name in all of them.
- 1.5.- Existence of a friendly URL.
- 1.7.- At least 75% of the research text resources offered by the repository are open access.
- 1.8.- The Institution has adhered to some of the open access declarations (Budapest, Berlin or Bethesda).
- There is a statement of the mission and objectives of the repository.
- 2.2.- A document publicly accessible on the archive in the repository, which establishes at least the following points: who can deposit, what can be deposited and in what formats.
- Publicly accessible document on metadata re-use.
- 2.5.- There is a visible offer of contact and advice.
- All records contain the title field (dc:title).
- All records contain the publication type field (dc:type).
- All records contain a publication date field (dc:date). 17] 4.11.- All records contain the author field (dc:creator).
- 5.2.- Research resources are identified through one or more sets. 19] 5.4.- Deleted records are marked.
- 5.5.- The lifetime of the resumption witness is a minimum of twenty-four hours.
- 5.6.- The repository administrator's e-mail address is available on the AdminEmail tab within the response to an Identify command.
- The delivery of records through the OAI-PMH protocol is progressive across batches.
- The size of the batches for record delivery is within the range of 100-500 records.
- The repository provides a service for statistics on the use of stored documents.
- The repository uses persistent identifiers for its contents (DOIs, Handles, URNs, etc.).