Publicación Disentangling Gold Open Access – Medialab UGR
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-07-31
[Google transl] Disentangling Gold Open Access Publication
The person in charge of the digital line of Medialab UGR, Daniel Torres Salinas together with Nicolás Robinson-García and Henk Moed have published "Disentangling Gold Open Access". This chapter focuses on the analysis of current publication trends in open access gold (OA).
The aim of the publication is to develop a comprehensive understanding of country patterns, the characteristics of OA journals and the citation differences between OA gold and OA non-Gold publications.
For this, we will first review the current literature on Open Access and its relationship to its so-called dating advantage.
Starting with a chronological perspective, it describes its development, how different countries are promoting OA publishing and its effects on the journal publishing industry. The analysis is deepened by investigating the results of the research produced by different units of analysis.