Firenze University Press: nuovo bando del premio per le migliori Tesi di Dottorato | P O R T A L E G I O V A N I - Comune di Firenze
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-08-06
[Google transl.] Fup - Firenze University Press has published the new competition dedicated to the best Doctoral Theses of the University of Florence. The twelfth edition of the "Prize for Doctoral Theses" for the best theses discussed in the Doctoral Schools and Doctorates of the University of Florence in the two-year period between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2018 will be published in paper and digital Open Access ( in the series FUP Prize Doctoral Theses (
The number of theses awarded will be five plus two: five correspond to the areas in which the research activity of the Florentine university is divided (biomedical, social sciences, science, technology, humanities); the other two prizes may be awarded by the Commission to theses of equal scientific value within the most heterogeneous areas.
Applications must be received by 1 p.m. on 28 September 2018.
Download the announcement of the 2018 edition:|
Question scheme:|
See the list of winners of the Doctoral Thesis Award - 2017 edition:
For more information: