Abierto el sistema de información sobre cambio climático de los Pirineos del OPCC desarrollado por el Cesefor

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-08-07


[Google transl.] Opened the information system on climate change in the Pyrenees of the OPCC developed by Cesefor

The Pyrenean Observatory of Climate Change (OPCC) geoportal is already in operation, offering since these days the information system on climate change in the Pyrenees, which collects in thematic layers information on the impacts and vulnerability to climate change of the environmental variables of the entire Pyrenean massif.

This resource has just been opened to the public to coincide with the launch of the new OPCC website, and both services have been developed by Cesefor and INCA Medio. At the moment, the contents of the OPCC geoportal are being updated and in a constant process of data integration. 

The work carried out by Cesefor and INCA Medio has entailed an intense work of innovation to improve the user experience, adapt the geographical data to a mobile environment and advance in the self-management of contents and geodata by the OPCC team. The main challenges have been:


- Design integration between Content Portal and Geoportal

- Complete development in open software

- Geoportal adapted to mobile phones and tablets

- Geodata self-management system

- Powerful data analysis and automatic chart generation

- Integrated display of chronomapes

- IDE Geoportal compatible with INSPIRE

- Downloading open data

The launch of this new portal is part of an OPCC project co-financed by the ERDF through the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra Programme (POCTEFA 2014-2020). Cesefor and INCA Medio have already collaborated on similar projects, such as the development of the information system of the AdapteCCa portal for the Spanish Office of Climate Change (OECC).




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Date tagged:

08/07/2018, 04:20

Date published:

08/07/2018, 00:20