Los Datos Abiertos En América Latina Y El Caribe | Universo Abierto
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-08-07
[Google transl.] Open Data In Latin America And The Caribbean
In the digital age, the "data economy" is becoming the new "black gold" that oiled the engine of economic growth. Data, massive and open, are essential for improving citizens' confidence in their states and involving them in public action, facilitating access to information and improving the quality of public services. In this context, governments must ensure the reliability of data and provide spaces for collaboration where the generation of public value is enabled, guaranteeing the confidentiality of personal data. However, the opening of government data faces multiple political, legal, and technical challenges. Despite these challenges, Latin America and the Caribbean is a region highly committed to the open data agenda. This document, in addition to systematizing all that was learned during the "Open Data for Digital Innovation" seminar held in Washington in June 2017, aims to become a dissemination tool on the importance of opening data. We hope to convey to the reader the value of the data and the invitation to think about sector strategies that will allow us to increase their use. This study describes what open data is, and provides a quick overview of the status of open data and major challenges in the region.