Quanto valgono gli open data - Open Data Day
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-08-08
[Google transl] What are the open data values?
The opening of non-personal Open Data, and the commercialisation of such data, could really be one of the most promising economic opportunities. Many people wonder what the actual value of such a manoeuvre is.
This is a huge market with unpredictable implications that already seems to have put in shock European bodies as well as companies in the face of the possibility of the emergence of a totally new landscape that can move hundreds of billions of Euros.
The contrary theses, especially within our country, however, speak of high costs related to the updating of institutions and the practical possibility of adapting Italy to European levels.
In fact, producing Open Data requires structures and staff training comparable to those that have developed and over many years to update the current world to the network.
The most obvious comparison that is made both on the prospects of growth and value, and with regard to the obstacles that face, is precisely that of the Internet.
Before his arrival it was difficult, if not impossible to predict the value that would take the network. The world of Open Data, while less massified and attractive than the open network, is an element that has the potential to transform information into valuable products, the anonymous Open Data in the hands of European governments could thus turn into a gigantic currency of exchange capable of increasing the economic power of Europe itself, one of the hearts of world consumption.
Moreover, Open Data is not only attractive from the point of view of the creation of ad hoc products, it is also interesting for political parties, organizations of various kinds and for all those innovators who would like to exploit them not for profit, or simply for profit but with the intention of creating simplifications and innovations that improve the common life..