Reti Medievali Journal is now ranked in A-Class Journal also for Area 10 - Antiquities, Philology, Literary Studies, History of Art | Firenze University Press
alespierno's bookmarks 2018-08-09
The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) classified Reti Medievali as one of the most highly regarded scholarly journals (A-Class Journal) for many academic fields in the "Area: 11 - Historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences"
Now Reti Medievali is ranked by ANVUR in 'A-Class' also for the discipline "E1 - FILOLOGIE E LETTERATURE MEDIO-LATINA E ROMANZE" in the "Area 10 - Antiquities, philology, literary studies, art history".
Reti Medievali Journal is present worldwide in the catalogues of hundreds of academic and research libraries and indexed in the main databases of journals, like Thomson Reuters Arts and Humanities Citation Index® and Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities (former ISI) or Elsevier's SCOPUS.
Furthermore, RM Journal was included in the ERIH Plus Index (European Science Foundation) and has received the Sparc Europe Seal for high-quality Open Access Journals.
Reti Medievali in the Category ‘History”, is one of the most relevant Open Access journals in Europe.