Científicos instan a políticos a impulsar una ciencia más abierta y accesible - Tecnología - COPE

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-10-04


[google transl.] Scientists urge politicians to promote more open and accessible science

Scientists from all over the world will meet tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in Barcelona to call on politicians to promote and facilitate open science, a movement that promotes research that is "more accessible, effective, reproducible and transparent".

Convened by B-Debate, an initiative of Biocat and the Obra Social de La Caixa, these experts will debate an Action Plan on open science, coinciding with the fact that the EC plans to ask researchers funded with European funds to publish the results of their research in open and immediate access for the entire scientific community from 2020.

The meeting is co-organised by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the University of Barcelona (UB), the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), the IrsiCaixa Institute for AIDS Research and the Global Health Institute of Barcelona (ISGlobal).

As the organizers have advanced, the scientists want to share and propose a roadmap with recommendations, initiatives and innovative practices that will serve politicians and researchers to implement open science in Spain.

The meeting, which will be held in CosmoCaixa, wants to highlight that "openness and collaboration are fundamental values for science, the problem is that some processes such as the system of evaluation and publication of results, have led to close," said Michela Bertero, co-leader of this B-Debate and responsible for Scientific and International Affairs of the CRG.

Open science will also impact the publication of results because now, the journals with the greatest impact on a researcher's career, such as 'Nature' and 'Science', are paid for by the reader.

"This barrier goes against the actions promoted by open science to share the latest research results in open access journals and repositories," said the organizers of the meeting.

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities already announced in July that it will work on the design of the National Strategy for Open Science, while the Catalan government has also proposed to establish a Catalan strategy on open science.

"This B-Debate aims to provide concrete ideas and recommendations that administrations can use now that they intend to design open science strategies", said Pastora Martínez, Vice President of Globalisation and Cooperation at the UOC.

Specifically, tomorrow and the day after, scientists will deal with four key aspects of open science: open access; ethics, integrity and reproducibility; evaluation; and the involvement of multidisciplinary teams, different social actors and citizens in research.

Among the scientists taking part in the meeting are René Von Schomberg, an agricultural researcher and philosopher who has been working for the European Commission on research and innovation policies since 1998; biochemist Frank Miedema from the University Medical Center in Utrecht (the Netherlands) and Colleen Campbell, leader of the Open Access 2020.


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Date tagged:

10/04/2018, 11:14

Date published:

10/04/2018, 07:14