Editorial Staff Mutiny at Elsevier Research Journal - Fortune | 2015

ab1630's bookmarks 2015-11-03


"A prestigious academic journal has just experienced the closest thing to outright mutiny: All six editors and the entire editorial board of the well-respected linguistics journal Lingua resigned en masse last week. And the reason says a lot about the ongoing disruption taking place in the formerly sleepy world of academic publishing. In many ways, academic publishers are going through the same kind of wrenching change that traditional media companies like newspaper and magazine publishers are. Subscription-based business models that worked for decades are coming apart at the seams, thanks in part to the web’s ability to distribute content much more cheaply and broadly. And academia itself is becoming much more open as well. As reported by Inside Higher Ed, all of the paid and volunteer staff at Lingua submitted their resignations last week and will stop working for the publication as soon as their existing contracts expire, which in most cases is the end of the year. According to the journal’s executive editor Johan Rooryck, the mass resignation is a way of protesting the business model of owner and publisher Elsevier—a subsidiary of London-based information giant RELX Group RELX , formerly known as Reed Elsevier. And the group hopes that its actions will encourage editorial staff at other journals to make the same kind of statement ..."



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Date tagged:

11/03/2015, 07:40

Date published:

11/03/2015, 00:52