Elsevier plans African open access journal - SciDev.Net

ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-15


"[LONDON] An open access journal for African research could be launched next year, with science publisher Elsevier teaming up with several African organisations to plan its creation, SciDev.Net can reveal. The journal is meant to spread the word about excellent African science, according to Marc Chahin, Elsevier’s executive publisher for the Middle East and Africa. This “mega-journal” would be free for readers, with authors and their organisations paying for article publication — the so-called ‘gold standard’ model of open access publishing. According to insiders, the partners are considering whether this fee could be waived for the first five years of the journal’s life....The other partners in the group are the African Academy of Sciences, African Centre for Technology Studies, South African Medical Research Council and IBM Research-Africa."



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Date tagged:

12/15/2017, 12:23

Date published:

12/15/2017, 07:23