Six Funders Working to Set Science Free — Inside Philanthropy

ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-17


"Sharing information is easier than ever, but much scientific research remains maddeningly walled-off in publications charging thousands of dollars for access. Some prominent funders are part of a growing movement to make science more open. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently made a strong statement in favor of the accessibility of research with the announcement that it was implementing the world's strongest mandate for grantees to provide open access to their results. Gates is the latest funder to take a stand against scientific journals holding research hostage behind outrageous paywalls, and instead pushing for widespread dissemination and reuse of scientific discovery....Here are a handful of funders who are doing some bold and interesting things in the realm of open access to scientific research and data: The Laura and John Arnold Foundation...Open Society Foundations...The Wellcome Trust ...Howard Hughes Medical Institute...Robert Wood Johnson Foundation"


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oa.funders.private oa.open_science oa.lay oa.wellcome oa.gates_foundation oa.arnold_foundation oa.osf oa.rwj oa.mandates oa.policies.funders oa.hhmi oa.policies oa.funders

Date tagged:

12/17/2017, 09:21

Date published:

12/17/2017, 04:21