The Philosophical Underclass Group - Daily Nous
ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-17
"The Philosophical Underclass is a Facebook group of philosophers who request and provide electronic copies of philosophical works from and to each other. It is the idea of Kevin Timpe (Northwest Nazarene University), who explains how it came about: 'I work at a university that has very poor journal access. The librarians are great at getting me just about anything via inter-library loan (ILL), but it can take 4-7 days. I often posted a link to a journal article I wanted on Facebook, and those friends with better access than I would email me a PDF of the article in question. Thomas Nadelhoffer suggested I make a FB dedicated to such requests, and the Philosophical Underclass was born. It’s our very own peer-to-peer ILL service. It had over 100 members within 24 hours and is currently up to 270. It’s been a great help to those of who don’t have good e-journal access.'"