Participation in the Global Knowledge Commons: Challenges and Opportunities for Research Dissemination in Developing Countries

ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-17


Indiana University, Digital Library Of The Commons, Working Paper by Leslie Chan; Sely Costa, 2004. "Abstract: Due to improving Internet connectivity and a growing number of international initiatives, knowledge workers in developing countries are now getting access to scholarly and scientific publications and electronic resources at a level that is unmatched historically. This is highly significant, particularly in areas of medicine, agricultural and environmental sciences, and development literature that are much needed if developing countries are to meet the Millennium Development Goals. At the same time, the Open Access movement and the growing number of Open Archive Initiative (OAI) compliant institutional repositories promise to provide even greater access to resources and scientific publications that were previously inaccessible. These low cost technology and interoperability standards are also providing great opportunities for libraries and publishers in developing countries to disseminate local research and knowledge and to bridge the South-North knowledge gap. This article reviews these recent trends, discusses their significance for information access in developing countries, and provides recommendations for knowledge workers on how to actively participate in and contribute to the global knowledge commons."


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Date tagged:

12/17/2017, 11:05

Date published:

12/17/2017, 06:05