Approaches to Data Sharing: An Analysis of NSF Data Management Plans from a Large Research University | Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication

ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-17


Bishoff, C. & Johnston, L., (2015). Approaches to Data Sharing: An Analysis of NSF Data Management Plans from a Large Research University. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. "Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Sharing digital research data is increasingly common, propelled by funding requirements, journal publishers, local campus policies, or community-driven expectations of more collaborative and interdisciplinary research environments. However, it is not well understood how researchers are addressing these expectations and whether they are transitioning from individualized practices to more thoughtful and potentially public approaches to data sharing that will enable reuse of their data. METHODS: The University of Minnesota Libraries conducted a local opt-in study of data management plans (DMPs) included in funded National Science Foundation (NSF) grant proposals from January 2011 through June 2014. In order to understand the current data management and sharing practices of campus researchers, we solicited, coded, and analyzed 182 DMPs, accounting for 41% of the total number of plans available."


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12/17/2017, 15:57

Date published:

12/17/2017, 10:57