Do You Have an Institutional Data Policy? A Review of the Current Landscape of Library Data Services and Institutional Data Policies | Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication
ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-17
Briney, K., Goben, A. & Zilinski, L., (2015). Do You Have an Institutional Data Policy? A Review of the Current Landscape of Library Data Services and Institutional Data Policies. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 3(2). "Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Many research institutions have developed research data services in their libraries, often in anticipation of or in response to funder policy. However, policies at the institution level are either not well known or nonexistent. METHODS: This study reviewed library data services efforts and institutional data policies of 206 American universities, drawn from the July 2014 Carnegie list of universities with “Very High” or “High” research activity designation. Twenty-four different characteristics relating to university type, library data services, policy type, and policy contents were examined. RESULTS: The study has uncovered findings surrounding library data services, institutional data policies, and content within the policies."
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