Does Open Access benefit small universities? | Byte Size Biology

ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-18


"There has been quite a lot of chatter recently about different scientific publishing models. Prompted by Elsevier’s support for the Research Works Act, and the resulting proposed  academic boycott.... This post deals with the difficulty  that still exists on the ground. I see the current author-pays model of OA publishing as still somewhat problematic, with the result of driving many of my colleagues away from OA. One supporting argument for OA is that small universities and four-year colleges, and institutes in developing countries can ill-afford to subscribe to a large number of close-access publications. this places researchers and students at a disadvantage. Therefore, the OA model of publishing does them a favor by reducing subscription fees, granting broader access to publications."


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Date tagged:

12/18/2017, 16:07

Date published:

12/18/2017, 11:07