Duncan Edwards: Open data and increasing the impact of research? It's a piece of cake! | 2013 | Research to Action

ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-22


"I talk to a lot of friends and colleagues who work in research, knowledge intermediary, and development organisations about some of the open data work I’ve been doing in relation research communications. Their usual response is “so it’s about technology?” or “open data is about governance and transparency, right?”. Well no, it’s not just about technology and it’s broader than governance and transparency. I believe that there is real potential for open data approaches in increasing the impact of research knowledge for poverty reduction and social justice. In this post I outline how I see Open Data fitting within a theory of change of how research knowledge can influence development...."



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Date tagged:

12/22/2017, 00:35

Date published:

12/21/2017, 19:35