» All agree: there is no need for the publisher’s authorized version | 2013
ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-22
"Recently, a statement of librarian Rick Anderson has made the rounds: 'if I know that a publisher allows green deposit of all articles without embargo, then the likelihood that we’ll maintain a paid subscription drops dramatically.' Of course, when you can get the same content for free, why should you pay for it? Apparently, Mr. Anderson does not value the work a publisher has put into their version of a scholarly article enough to pay for it, at least not compared to the author’s copy in the ‘green’ OA repository....Then please remind me, why do we need publishers? What is it they are doing, if nobody can put a finger, let alone a price tag on it?... I think Stevan Harnad might have two answers: 1. to put their stamp of approval on the paper and 2. without publishers no green OA and without 100% green OA no fair gold OA. WRT 1, I’d argue that there is no evidence of journals differing in the quality of the papers they publish. WRT 2, I’d argue that green OA is not the only way to a modern scholarly infrastructure for text, data and software."