Ilya Kapovich on JCM: save “diamond open access” | Future of the LMS | 2016

ab1630's bookmarks 2017-12-27


"To my knowledge, JCM has been the ONLY mathematical journal published by any major national mathematical society in the “diamond open access” model, meaning that the journal provided free access to the readers and did not charge publication fees to the authors. I strongly believe that  the “diamond open access” model is superior to both the traditional subscription model and the “golden open access” model (where the latter means free access to the readers but charging publication fees to the authors).  As a steward of the profession, LMS has a responsibility to all mathematicians to promote the “diamond open access” model, by both incentivizing others to publish in this model and by publishing “diamond open access” journals itself. Thus, instead of terminating the JCM, LMS should be promoting it as a shining light and as guiding example of what other national mathematical societies should be doing. From  February 2016 through January  31, 2019 I will be a member-at-large of the Committee on Publications of the American Mathematical Society. I plan to raise the issue of supporting the “diamond open access” with the AMS, and the continued publication of JCM by the London Mathematical Society would greatly facilitate this task."


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Date tagged:

12/27/2017, 10:42

Date published:

12/27/2017, 05:42