Why Data Sharing Matters for Your Nonprofit
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-02
"For nonprofits, data can be an invaluable asset—or it can be a huge question mark. How can nonprofits truly help people when they don’t know exactly who needs help—or how best to go about it? That’s what data does; it fills in the blanks so that organizations can make informed decisions about policy, programs, and progress. Without access to data, or even enough data, we lack the ability to understand complex issues. When you only have a few pieces of the puzzle, a nonprofit’s projects or efforts may not be targeting the people or places that really need help. But when you have access to multiple sources of information on a single subject, you can assess the whole picture. That’s why data collection and data sharing matter so much. According to Heather Krause from Datassist, data sharing in the nonprofit and public sectors will be the best way to meet the changing needs of today’s citizens. Here’s why."