Making a statement about data availability | Hindawi
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-02
"Back in February we announced our intention to require authors to provide a data availability statement with newly submitted manuscripts. We’re both happy and proud to say that this is now our formal policy, and that a such a statement is mandatory for all new research articles and clinical studies submitted to Hindawi titles.
Much has happened since our original announcement at the beginning of the year, including one of us (Catriona) joining Hindawi as the Director of Open Science. Over that period we’ve taken time to listen to the concerns raised by the communities that Hindawi serves, learnt from the experiences of others through engaging with other forward thinking stakeholders (such as contributing to a report on data publishing by the Belmont Forum and most recently as a participant in a workshop hosted by the AGU on enabling FAIR Data), and mapped a strategy to support data sharing while being sensitive to the needs of those for whom data sharing is not yet an established practice...."
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