Promoting expertise in open science: Open Science Expert Training continues | 2016 | News and Events
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-03
"The Open Science and Research Initiative (ATT) promotes expertise in open science by organising open science expert training that is free of charge and open to all. The programme has been running since autumn 2015 and further sessions will be held at least until the end of 2016. Our training is targeted at anyone who is interested in open science, such as students, researchers, and those representing libraries, information and research management, researcher schools and other educational establishments, and other personnel groups. Our autumn 2016 expert training will focus on supporting the introduction of open science teaching at institutions of higher education. ...Registration: Training sessions that are currently open for registration are listed under the heading Expert Training Programme ( You may currently register for 'Open data and open access publishing' (organised by Aalto University' on 8 April) and 'Open Publishing' (organised by the University of Oulu on 20 April) and ‘Tutkimusprosessin avaaminen' by Lappeenranta University of Technology on 10 May."