Finnish research infrastructures databank has been opened | 2016 | News and Events
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-03
"The Finnish research infrastructures databank has been opened at The new service contains information on nationally significant research infrastructures, such as facilities, equipment, materials and services that support research.
The databank is intended for researchers, research infrastructure service providers and funders. The databank seeks to promote the shared use and openness of research infrastructures by describing and presenting research infrastructures and their services in a unified manner. Currently, the databank contains basic information on infrastructures: responsible organisations, service descriptions, lifecycle, keywords and classifications, the openness of the user terms and conditions, and contact information. Databank information is in Finnish and English.
The Academy of Finland and the Ministry of Education and Culture launched the development of the Finnish research infrastructures databank as part of the Open Science and Research Initiative in 2015. The service is based on Finland's Strategy and Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, which was approved in 2014 and describes a vision for internationally competitive science and high-quality research infrastructures in Finland in 2020..."