SPIE Gives Readers Full Access to Two Journals | Business | Jan 2018 | Photonics.com
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-06
"BELLINGHAM, Wash., Jan. 5, 2018 — SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, has announced that two of its journals, the Journal of Biomedical Optics and Neurophotonics, will become fully open access journals starting in January 2019. "SPIE is converting JBO and Neurophotonics to open access with strong endorsement from the editorial boards and those most closely involved with the two journals," said incoming SPIE publications committee chair, David Andrews, of the University of East Anglia. "This new and exciting development for SPIE journals will support broad global access to timely and valuable published research." JBO has been published since 1996 and is edited by Lihong Wang of the California Institute of Technology. Brian Pogue of Dartmouth College will assume the JBO editorship starting in January 2018. JBO publishes peer-reviewed papers on the use of modern optical technology for improved health care and biomedical research. "We believe open access will allow JBO to reach a broader readership in a timely fashion and better serve the biomedical optics community and users of our technologies,” Wang said...."