MSU uses $1.5M Mellon Foundation grant to build massive slave trade database | MSUToday | Michigan State University

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-09


"Michigan State University, supported by nearly $1.5 million from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will create a unique online data hub that will change the way scholars and the public understand African slavery. By linking data collections from multiple universities, the website will allow people to search millions of pieces of slave data to identify enslaved individuals and their descendants from a central source. Users can also run analyses of enslaved populations and create maps, charts and graphics. The project, called “Enslaved: The People of the Historic Slave Trade,” is funded by a $1.47 million grant from the Mellon Foundation...."


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Tags: oa.usa oa.hei oa.history oa.metadata oa.discoverability oa.anthropology oa.databases oa.mellon_foundation oa.digitization oa.humanities oa.ssh oa.ssh

Date tagged:

01/09/2018, 17:40

Date published:

01/09/2018, 04:48