EU wants to boost data use and sharing in Digital Single Market - UK to miss out post-Brexit?

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-04-26


"Whilst the UK wants to align closely with the EU on data, it can’t be guaranteed it will receive the same benefits as the Digital Single Market.

The European Commission has put forward a wide-ranging set of new proposals to boost data sharing and use across EU member states, both for the private and public sector, in a bid to drive further growth and the development of new technologies within the Digital Single Market. The attempt to foster greater data cooperation across the European Union (EU), which should in turn further integrate the Digital Single Market, raises the question of whether the UK (and companies, national and international, operating within the UK) will lose out on the benefits come March 2019 when Brexit takes place? Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May recently said that whilst she would be aiming for “more than just an adequacy agreement” on data sharing with the EU after Brexit, she also confirmed that the UK would be leaving the Digital Single Market. Data adequacy is granted when the European Commission feels that a territory that is not part of the EU has data protection laws and practices that are aligned to the EU’s high standards. However, whilst the UK goes its own way (whilst simultaneously committing to align as much as possible), the EU member states are getting closer and closer on data sharing initiatives, which will inevitably strengthen the Digital Single Market and its benefits...."


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Date tagged:

04/26/2018, 15:31

Date published:

04/26/2018, 11:31