Recommendation on access to and preservation of Scientific Information | Digital Single Market
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-04-26
Commission Recommendation of 25 April 2018 on access to and preservation of scientific information (pdf).
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 292 thereof,
(1) The European Commission adopted in July 2012 a scientific information package, consisting of the Communication "Towards better access to scientific information: Boosting the benefits of public investments in research"1, and of a Recommendation to the Member States on access to and preservation of scientific information2. Recommendation 2012/417/EU states that the Commission will review the progress made across the Union to assess whether further action is needed to achieve the objectives laid down.
(2) The Communication "A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe"3 highlights the importance of data dissemination as a catalyst for economic growth, innovation and digitisation across all economic sectors, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (and start-ups) and for society as a whole. It recognises that big data and high-performance computing are changing the way research is performed and knowledge is shared, as part of a transition towards a more efficient and responsive open science4. It announces that the Commission would encourage access to public data to help drive innovation and work towards a research open science cloud as part of the European Cloud Initiative. In its mid-term review of the Digital Single Market Strategy5, the Commission announces its intention to further improve the "accessibility and re-use of public and publicly funded data"...."