K-theory | 13th August, 2007 | Wolfgang Lueck, Andrew Ranicki

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-11


"In January 2007 the editors of "K-theory" resigned, following a request by the then managing editor Professor Anthony Bak. As announced in August 2007, some of them are intending to start a new "Journal of K-theory" to be published elsewhere. Unfortunately no manuscripts submitted to "K-theory" have been forwarded to Springer by the managing editor, since April 2006. We have been asked by Springer to act as interim managing editors, in the first instance to deal with these papers. We ask authors who have submitted papers to "K-theory" which have not yet been published to please contact one of us as soon as possible.

Wolfgang Lueck (Muenster) lueck@math.uni-muenster.de

Andrew Ranicki (Edinburgh) a.ranicki@ed.ac.uk

13th August, 2007"



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Date tagged:

08/11/2018, 07:10

Date published:

08/11/2018, 03:10