7 Things You Should Know About Open Education: Policies | EDUCAUSE

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-14


"Abstract" Open education policies are formal regulations regarding support, funding, adoption, and use of open educational resources (OER) and/or open education practices (OEP). Such policies are designed to support the creation, adoption, and sharing of OER and the design and integration of OEP into programs of study. Open education policies underscore the viability and value of OER in teaching and learning and can help inculcate OEP at colleges and universities. The development of open education policies will help move OER and OEP from the periphery to the center of education practice.

This publication is one in a three-part series designed to provide a point of departure for conversations about all aspects of open education..."



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Date tagged:

08/14/2018, 15:01

Date published:

08/14/2018, 11:01