Open Data, Open Analytics, and Open Innovation | คณะสถิติประยุกต์ (GSAS) สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์ (NIDA)
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-14
Google English: "Open Data, Open Analytics, and Open Innovation
Thailand 4.0 focuses on developing the country into a new economy. From the industrial economy to the digital economy (Digital Economy) and the economy as a knowledge base. Knowledge-based economy requires a foundation of intelligence and business intelligence (BI) and information science (Data Sciences). In order to create Competitive Intelligence, knowledge and innovation and lead to the competitive advantage of Thailand.
While the world is entering the Internet of Things (IoTs) and Big Data (Big Data), there is tremendous information. Thailand itself has a lot of information as well. But open access to data is very limited. Both in the public and private sectors. The disclosure to the public. For public limited companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The law requires the disclosure of information to the public and the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and the SEC regulates the disclosure of information as well. But limited company Or the private sector. I do not disclose much information. It is considered a trade secret. In the government sector, disclosure has improved after The official information of the 1997 government, which allows people to claim information. But ends with the word. "Governmental confidentiality and security-related information," the Electronic Government Office has sought to open up more data. ( Https:// Thailand is ranked No. 42 of the Open Data Index of the world, but the problem is that Thai people do not use these open data as much as it should...."