LASA presents the first titles of Latin America Research Commons (LARC) its open access publisher
ab1630's bookmarks 2020-03-02
"LARC was created by LASA as an open access publisher to publish academic books in Spanish and Portuguese related to Latin American studies and thus ensure that researchers around the world can find and access the information they need, without economical or geographical barriers. The first published books by LARC are:
América Latina tras bambalinas. Teorías conspirativas, usos y abusos, by Leonardo Senkman and Luis Roniger.
Geografías afectivas. Desplazamientos, prácticas espaciales y formas de estar juntos en el cine contemporáneo. Argentina, Brasil y Chile. 2002-2017, by Irene Depetris Chauvin.
La pulsión comunitaria en la obra de Diamela Eltit, by Mónica Barrientos...."