Managing Intellectual Property Rights in Citizen Science | 2015 | Wilson Center

ab1630's bookmarks 2020-12-04


Scassa, Teresa & Chung Haewon. Managing Intellectual Property Rights in Citizen Science: A Guide for Researchers and Citizen Scientists. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2015).

"Citizen science involves “a form of collaboration where members of the public participate in scientific research to meet real world goals.” ...Citizen science research can be quite different in many respects from conventional scientific research because it involves large numbers of non-professional participants; nonetheless, it can still give rise to IP considerations....

Conducting scientific research publicly with non-professional participants may create an expectation that the research be openly available for re-use by other scientists, and for use by ordinary citizens for education and community development. In many instances, the need to manage IP rights in citizen science may be less about ownership and control for the purposes of career advancement or commercial exploitation and more about appropriate management to serve a broader public interest...."



12/03/2020, 22:55

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12/04/2020, 03:55

Date published:

12/31/2014, 22:55