Data in Libraries: Open Data | 3/18/2020 | Reference & User Services Association (RUSA)

ab1630's bookmarks 2021-01-20


"Looking for big datasets for free? The U.S. Federal Government has been providing access to their statistical data for years, even before the Internet ever existed. Why? How do we get to the data? Will we always have access? Who has the best statistics? Why are other organizations now giving their numbers away for free also? Learn about where open data and statistics come from, ways to find, and issues on how to keep it coming along with where to join discussions and stay aware of developments in creating, access, retrieval, articulation, presentation, publishing, and curation of data and statistics. The webinar is part 2 of the four part series, Data in Libraries...."



01/20/2021, 00:34

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป ab1630's bookmarks


oa.librarians oa.usa

Date tagged:

01/20/2021, 05:34

Date published:

03/01/2020, 00:34