Virginia Datathon: 10.01.2020 - 10.02.2020 | Commonwealth of Virginia Innovative Technology Symposium

ab1630's bookmarks 2021-01-20


"...The Office of the Chief Data Officer and the Library of Virginia are gearing up for the Virtual Virginia Datathon this year that continues bringing together state agencies, students, localities, non-profits, and the private sector to leverage technology and data to develop innovative solutions addressing complex problems. Watch the Virtual Virginia Datathon opening kick-off and the recorded team presentations (including the winners!) on the Library of Virginia YouTube channel. The purpose of the Datathon was to explore and identify open data assets supporting solutions that deliver outcomes positively impacting communities across the Commonwealth. The Virginia Datathon didn't end on October was just getting started! The first, second, and third place teams will receive AWS WorkSpaces credits towards an instance on the CIT Secure Data Enclave to continue building their solutions. Teams will then present their final solutions to stakeholders in January 2021...."



01/20/2021, 00:37

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01/20/2021, 05:37

Date published:

10/20/2020, 01:37